Congressman Gohmert has addressed the Grand Meeting of Iranians in exile through a video message

June 21, 2012

IACNT- In a video message addressed to upcoming Iranian conference in Paris, representative Gohmert shows his support for the Iranians' struggle for freedom.

On Saturday, June 23, 2012, tens of thousands of Iranians from all over the world will gather in Paris in support of a free, democratic, and non-nuclear Iran.

They also support the Iranian freedom fighters in camp Ashraf / liberty and demand that the united states, the united nations, the European union, and other international bodies of governments to protect the safety and well being of these asylum seekers.

Many well known international figures will attend and speak at this meeting stressing their support of Iranians' struggle for a regime change.

In a video message addressed to this Conference, representative Gohmert shows his support for the Iranians' struggle for freedom and states, "America stands with all who support the pro-democracy movement in Iran."

To watch the entire video-message, you might use the following box:

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